Our Work Process

We work to advance health rights for the most vulnerable poplatuons e.g reproductive health, quality health care The right to health is a fundamental human right to guarantee all people live in dignity. ASHARI is committed to amplifying equal and just access to health in the communities.

Right to Health

We believe that everyone has both a right to health and reproductive self-determination. ASHARI ’s multi-dimensional health programs address barriers at the individual, social and structural level. ASHARI focuses on building resilient, equitable, and accountable health systems that can respond to shocks and crises and that provide sustainable access to quality health services for all.  Globally, the right to health is undermined by persistent economic and social inequities, as well as ongoing threats to health security posed by increases in the number, scale, scope, and duration of humanitarian disasters. Restrictive gender norms and gender inequalities are replicated and reinforced in health systems, contributing poorer outcomes for women and girls in their health and lived experiences.  

ASHARI Role in Improving Health Care

ASHARI has linked many young women and young girls to care who have been previously denied access to health Transform health systems and structures to enable universal access to health  ASHARI works with government facilities, community groups, leaders and local health authorities to catalyze community-led collective action, mobilize public demand, and build institutional commitments and to change institutional practices and policies. 


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Our Global Health work focuses in four areas
  • Strengthening local health systems and community-based organizations 
  • Supporting marginalized population groups, especially adolescents, children and young women to exercise their right to health 
  • Increasing access to quality health care services, including sexual and reproductive health
  • Preparing and responding to Public Health emergency preparedness